
Showing posts from March, 2014

Happy Pi Day: A Haiku and a Trivia

Today is Pi Day. Happy Pi Day everyone! March 14 is celebrated in the Geek World as International Pi Day. The derivation of this celebration, being straightforward, is left for the readers [1],  following the great tradition of math textbooks. I wish to join today's celebration by presenting an original haiku (a form of short Japanese poetry) and a well-known trivia. Pi Haiku Circumferential Pi A point went around Its distance traveled divided by twice the length of a rotating arm Behold! Pi is in hand. Pi Trivia Do you want to remember the value of pi up to 14 decimal places?  Just memorize the sentence below.  "How I need a drink, alcoholic, of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics." The number of letters in each word gives out the digits of pi in order.  You should be able to get 3.14159265358979. Photo credit: "Pumpkin Pi" by bigfoot13 in ------ [1] But we provide the sol...