4 Cs of Leadership Part 1: Character and Competence
This is a talk outline I've developed over some years of delivering similar talks to high school and college students. The original course was first conceptualized by Oliver Tuazon in a program called Leading Leaders: Uniting the Nation in Virtue. INTRODUCTION Below are some traits associated with a good leader capable intelligent skilled knows how to manage can plan and look ahead has relational skills can drive his team towards an objective All of the above refer to competence. A good leader is competent, i.e., does not do his job well Other traits of what makes a good leader cares for his subjects selfless wise courageous honest disciplined All traits above refer to virtues or good habits. A good leader is virtuous. But what about Hitler, Bin Laden, some cunning and corrupt politicians? Many are competent But, either their objectives are evil, or their means are evil In this talk we'll tackle the 4 Cs of Leadership ...