
Showing posts from May, 2015

4 Cs of Leadership Part 2: Creed and Charm

This is meant to be a talk outline instead of a developed article. Read part 1 here: Character and Competence . Photo credit: "Light through the forest" by honti at 3rd C: Creed The 3 rd C of Leadership is Creed (belief or faith) Man is body and soul Not just body Sex is not just a biological action (for animals, yes, but not for men) Man has a soul Everything that we talked about so far concerns the philosophical perfection of a  man, i.e., man from a natural point of view But man has a soul, and thus have a spiritual aspect We saw this when we discussed the asymptotes: infinite longing for Truth, Beauty and Goodness Nothing this world has to offer could fully satisfy us Why? Answer comes from St.Teresa “Nada te turbe, nada te espante; Quien a Dios tiene nada la falta: solo Dios basta.” “Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frigh...