4 Cs of Leadership Part 2: Creed and Charm
This is meant to be a talk outline instead of a developed article.
Read part 1 here: Character and Competence.
Read part 1 here: Character and Competence.
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Photo credit: "Light through the forest" by honti at freeimages.com |
3rd C: Creed
- The 3rd C of Leadership is Creed (belief or faith)
- Man is body and soul
- Not just body
- Sex is not just a biological action (for animals, yes, but not for men)
- Man has a soul
- Everything that we talked about so far concerns the philosophical perfection of a man, i.e., man from a natural point of view
- But man has a soul, and thus have a spiritual aspect
- We saw this when we discussed the asymptotes: infinite longing for Truth, Beauty and Goodness
- Nothing this world has to offer could fully satisfy us
- Why? Answer comes from St.Teresa
“Nada te turbe,
nada te espante;
Quien a Dios tiene nada la falta:
solo Dios basta.”“Let nothing disturb you,Let nothing frighten you,Whoever has God lacks nothing;God alone suffices.”
- Our Creed…
- Far from disconnecting us in this world...
- Far from making us live our lives blindly in this world...
- Far from preventing us to do our duties in the world...
- Our Creed, in fact, gives the us and the world a greater understanding of the realities of things
- our understanding of man
- God as our purpose; natural law; conscience
- human nature as affected by original sin
- our understanding of the world
- common good, divine providence, final judgement
- The Catholic Church tackles key issues and her stand on these issues has remained firm
- In all key issues, the Church has made a stand and has been firm in her stand
- This gives us a better position to change the world for the better
- If leadership is to be practiced to its highest degree, it should lead to the highest good, the highest objective of man
- Many people call this God
- The Elves of Tolkien call it Eru (The One) or Iluvatar (the Father of All)
- Existence of God through different proofs (see peterkreeft.org)
- Therefore, there is a need for faith in order to deliver what is best for everyone
- What you can do
- Attend classes on your faith,
- Whatever your faith is
- Know what you believe so that you can believe more
- St.Anselm:
- Credo ut intelligam; intelligo ut credam
I believe so that I may understand;I think so that I may believe.
- Fides querens intellectum
Faith seeking understanding
- My only advice
- Sincerely seek what is True...
- ...et veritas liberabit vos:
- and the truth will set you free
- You cannot be stunted in your knowledge of the faith
4th C: Charm
(you could call this C+, since it is a supplement to the 3Cs)
- Charm is how well person a can relate or connect with people
- It clearly is a plus factor
- We need Character and Competence first, then add Charm
- Without the first 2 Cs, we will just be:
- Pure form - not because we're angelic, but because we are puro forma
- Like Gilderoy Lockhart- all form, no substance
- But Character and Competence PLUS Charm, makes you much more effective
- E.g. Pope Francis, Pope John Paul II
Very Last C: Conclusion
- A good leader tries to develop: Competence, Character, Creed, Charm
- Among the 4Cs, only Competence is taught in the classroom
- Even then, you could still get more help on developing competence
- The other 3 Cs, you have to develop outside the classroom
- In your dealings with others
- Look for support groups which can help you develop them
- Family, organizations, institutions
- Conclusion
- Hugo Grotius:
“A man cannot govern a nation if he cannot govern a city.He cannot govern a city if he cannot govern a family.He cannot govern a family unless he govern himself.He cannot govern himself unless his passions are subject to reason.”
- This is clearly covered by Human Virtues
- I would add:
- Man could govern himself much better if his reason is enlightened by faith, i.e., by his Creed
- Thus if you want to govern your org, later on your family, later on the city, later on the nation, you have to start now
- You do it by developing the 3Cs : Character, Competence & Creed
- Then add the 4th C, Charm, for an extra kick.
The very, very last C:
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