A Shortlist of Recommended Books on Living, Believing and Loving

Compass for Recommended Books
We don't have to go through life without a map. Many people have already gone to where we ought to go; we just have to follow their lead. These people have left us maps for understanding the terrain, showing us where the true path lies and where to expect dangers. I am, of course, referring to books on how to live life to the full. In this article, I have provided a shortlist of books I recommend for understanding and living better life in general and the Christian Life in particular.

Basic Catholic Doctrine
Books for systematically studying the Catholic faith; good reference materials for consulting articles of faith
The Faith Explained by Leo Trese
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Living the Faith
Books that give insights and suggestions on how to live the demands of the faith according to one's circumstance. Also useful for spiritual reading.
Jesus as Friend by Francisco Fernandez-Carvajal
Friends of God by St.Josemaria Escriva
A Trese Trilogy by Leo Trese
Saints in the World (Man the Saint) by Jesus Urteaga

Books that can help in developing a prayer life.
Human but Holy by Leo Trese
The Way by St.Josemaria Escriva
The Furrow by St.Josemaria Escriva
Christ is Passing By by St.Josemaria Escriva

The Real Catholic Faith
The Catholic faith for non-Catholics or for doubting Catholics
Wisdom Shall Enter in A Trese Trilogy by Leo Trese
The Everlasting Man by G.K.Chesterton
Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching (Upon This Rock) by Chantal Epie
Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn
Surprised by Truth ed. Patrick Madrid
Orthodoxy by G.K.Chesterton

Reason for our Faith
Books on the rational basis of Christian belief

Living the Christian vocation of marriage
For Better or for Best by Gary Smalley (for women)
If Only He Knew by Gary Smalley (for men)

Understanding the value and purpose of one's sexuality
Is Purity Possible? by Jose Luis Soria
The Battle for Normality by Gerard J. M. Van Den Aardweg

Christian Virtues and Ideals
Books on virtues and novels that reflect Christian ideals
The Heart of Virtue by Donald de Marco
The Many Faces of Virtue by Donald de Marco
The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

Where to find these books
Books of St.Josemaria can be accessed online through http://www.escrivaworks.org
Sinagtala Publishers
Totus Bookstore
St.Paul's Bookstore
National Bookstore
Fully Booked

Photo credit: 'compass' by iprole in www.sxc.hu
