Birthday Thoughts

My message to all
Thank you very much to all of you for being part of my life. My life has definitely been much richer because of all of you. I mean, life without challenges would definitely be a bore. :-p

My reply to all greetings in FB
Since there are so many greetings, I decided to write a code to save me time. I hope you guys don't mind.

For i=1 to Num_FB_Friends  do

If Greeted(FB_Friend[i]) then
  Write(Wall(FB_Friend[i]), ¨Thank you so much for the greetings!¨)
  Write(Wall(FB_Friend[i]), ¨Did you check your calendar today?¨);

My age
If you wish to know my real age, check out this post : 17 Again : Discovering the Fountain of Youth

My birthday aspirations
That what should be shall be. 
(Galadriel to Frodo at the Mirror of Galadriel in JRR Tolkien's Fellowship of the Rings)

Genuine peace and human progress around the world.
Emitte Spiritum tuum et renova faciem terrae! (Send forth your Spirit and renew the face of the earth!)

Quote of the (birth)day
¨Each year that ends is a step that takes us nearer to Heaven, our final home.¨ -St.Josemaria Escriva, Friends of God, 39
