The Lord of the Kings : A Christmas Movie Project - Part I

Three kings will see a great star in the bright blue sky,
Seven men will follow it and lead them far;
Nine days it shall guide them to the greatest King,
One whose kingdom shall have no end.
In the land of Judah, He shall lie,
One King to rule the world, one who'll redeem men;
One King to save the world, and from their sins release them,
In the land of Judah, He shall lie.

Following a great star, the Three Kings of the Orient are led to Rivendell. There, the Elf-Lord Elrond explained to them The Prophecy. Together with Anakin, Harry, Neo and Aragorn, they embark on a journey to bring the Crown of Prophecy to the Lord of the Kings. But the journey turns out to be perilous, for the evil KingWraights are coming after them.


This is a script written for a 2005 highschool Christmas Movie Project. 
Note that this is not written according to standard scriptwriting rules.


MELCHOR : wiseman from the East with the gift of gold
GASPAR : wiseman from the East with the gift of frankincense
BALTHAZAR : wiseman from the East with the gift of myrrh
HARRY : a young wizard
NEO : The One
ANAKIN : a Jedi apprentice
ARAGORN : a Ranger
ELROND : Elven Lord of Rivendell
HEROD : The Other King
HALDIR : Elf from Rivendell
WITCHKING : Captain of the KingWraiths
SEN. PAT-PATIN : Thin Leader of the Dark Side of the Force

Soft background music (almost like the beginning of Lord of the Rings). Pitch black screen slowly revealing a dark, star-studded sky. Camera pans across the sky. Camera moves down to reveal a town; zooms in to reveal a tower; zooms in further to reveal a man studying the stars.

Observes the sky,while taking notes on a desk
Let me see. There's Canis major, Canis minor, all at their proper places. And of course that will be Polaris.
Scene showing the sky panning through these constellations
Then, there's Orion's Belt and...
He sees an unusually bright star
Peers at the sky
What is this star? I've never seen this before.
Runs towards the tower
Gaspar! Melchor! Come in here! Take a look at this!

MELCHOR : What is it? Have you discovered anything?

BALTHAZAR : Look! There!!! (Pointing at the sky). That is one bright star we've never seen before!
MELCHOR : Hmmmn..That's right! I wonder what it could be.

GASPAR : That's funny. I never knew a star could have such brightness. It could not be Venus for Venus is not yet in the hemisphere, and even Venus could not be so bright!

BALTHAZAR : It's extremely beautiful . Look! One of its rays seems to be pointing to a particular direction!

MELCHOR : That's right! I think it's leading us to something.. or to someone! Good or evil, I do not know.

GASPAR : Something as bright and attractive as that could only lead us to something good! Or even holy!

BALTHAZAR : I agree! I suggest we follow it and see where it will lead us!

MELCHOR : Alright! I already feel a longing for an adventure.

The three kings are seen packing their things for the journey. Each one is shown preparing a gift  – gold for Melchor, frankincense for Gaspar, and myrrh for Balthazar.

The kings begin their journey to Rivendell at night, along the way, they are always being guided by the bright star.

BALTHAZAR : I can't move any further, and it's almost dawn. We need to find shelter.

MELCHOR : Yes. The air in this place is menacing. I think we have to go back.

Three elves come out of the forest each pointing a spear at the kings.
HALDIR : You have entered Rivendell, realm of the great elf-lord Elrond; you cannot go back.

The Lord of the Kings
The Fellowship of the King
Script for a High School Christmas Movie Project 2005

Photo credit : SympleArts at
