Why Asymptotes?
This blog, therefore, is about two of my passions : the Christian faith and computing. I find the figure of an asymptote an apt representation of these two seemingly divergent interests.
An asymptote is, of course, a mathematical concept. It thus appropriately represents the field of computing, which takes math as a major foundation.
What is an asymptote exactly? An asymptote is a line or curve towards which another curve approaches without ever meeting it (or, put in another way, it meets the line or curve at infinity).
This characteristic of an asymptote makes it a good representation of faith. The points in an asymptote could represent man's infinite longing for what is true, good and beautiful, which is nothing but a reflection of man's approach to God, each day trying to get nearer, until he finally meets Him one day, at the Infinity of his Timeline.
Aside from writing about faith and computing, I've also included some posts on humor (yet another passion). This last element explains the full name of the blog - Asymptotes : Faith, Computing and Humor.
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