The Lord of the Kings : A Christmas Movie Project - Part III

Three kings will see a great star in the bright blue sky,
Seven men will follow it and lead them far;
Nine days it shall guide them to the greatest King,
One whose kingdom shall have no end.
In the land of Judah, He shall lie,
One King to rule the world, one who'll redeem men;
One King to save the world, and from their sins release them,
In the land of Judah, He shall lie.


The members of the Fellowship are seen leaving Rivendell, bidding farewell to Elrond.
As all of them depart, the camera focuses on one man hiding behind a bush, who, after witnessing everything, departs from the scene.

Shots in a plain field. On top of a mountain with each one appearing one after the other, just like in the movie. Shots of dusk against Taal lake. Shots in a fog, with the fellowship cutting through it one by one.

Herod is seen coming out of the palace

SPY : Your Highness, I've seen it, I've finally seen it!

HEROD : What have you seen?

SPY : A Company of Seven leaving Rivendell, just as the Prophecy had foretold. Three are Kings while the other Four seem to be warriors sent to protect them.

HEROD : Hmmmn. (Confers with his counsellors.) (Talks to himself) So, the Great King is about to rise to power. I cannot allow this to happen. WitchKing!!

WITCHKING : Yes, your Highness! (bows)

HEROD : Send an army after this company. Kill everyone except the Three Kings. We will need them to locate this impostor King who is about to be born.

WITCHKING : As you wish, your Highness!


Several evil-looking men attack the Fellowship.
Shots of Neo using martial arts against the enemies (include slow-mo shots)
Shots of Harry casting the Petrificus Totalus spell to those attacking him
Shots of Aragorn and Anakin fighting with their swords
All enemies are defeated.

The Fellowship continues the journey

NEO : So, do you believe the prophecy?

BALTHAZAR : I guess so. That old man Elrond seems to know what he's talking about.
I never imagined that a hobby - watching the stars- would become an instrument for finding the Messiah. I guess this is how God talks to men.

NEO : So you're looking forward to meet the Messiah?

BALTHAZAR : Yes! Very much! In fact before embarking on this journey I thought of bringing a gift.

NEO : That's wonderful!

BALTHAZAR : Do you want to see it?

NEO : Yes, of course!

Balthazar opens his gift of myrrh.

NEO : What is that?

BALTHAZAR : It's myrrh.

NEO : Myrrh?

BALTHAZAR : Yes. Myrrh is a gum resin that is usually used for perfume and embalming.

NEO : Embalming!? Do you think we won't reach the Messiah alive? Don't worry, Elrond has sent us to protect you, remember?

BALTHAZAR : Of course I'm confident we'll meet the Messiah alive. But you see, myrrh is a symbol of sacrifice. I know that we are after something really good, and I know that the journey will entail sacrifice, so I brought this.

NEO : Hmmm...

BALTHAZAR : What about you? Do you believe the prophecy?

NEO : Well... not completely.

BALTHAZAR : What do you mean?

NEO : There's something not quite right about the prophecy. Do you recall Elrond's words?

BALTHAZAR : Yes, he spoke about the Great King, the Messiah and the Crown.

NEO : Yes, precisely. And he also calls the Messiah The One!

BALTHAZAR : Yes, that's right. Is there anything wrong with that?

NEO: (shouting) Yes!!! All is wrong with it!

BALTHAZAR : What do you mean?

NEO : (His voice gets louder and louder) Because you see, there is another prophecy! Not the prophecy of the Crown but the prophecy of the Matrix. And the prophecy says that I am the One! The Old Lady says so! Morpheus believes it too! There couldn't be another One. I am the One and Only. I am NEO!... Neo ASPILET!!! The Crown must be mine, it should be mine! (Goes to Gaspar to grab the Crown of Prophecy)

BALTHAZAR : Gaspar, watch out!

Aragorn draws his sword, Anakin, his light saber, but Harry was the quickest of the three:

HARRY : REVERTE IN MATRICEM PLANTAQUE CAMOTE!!! *{Go back to The Matrix and plant camote!!!}

Neo disappears. The whole Fellowship stands in awe.

GASPAR : Harry! What did you do?

HARRY : I sent him back where he belongs: back to the Matrix. He is not helping our group.
* Sweet potato is known as camote in the Philippines. A common Filipino/Tagalog expression for dismissing someone who is not doing well is to say : "Go home and plant camote!"

The Lord of the Kings
The Fellowship of the King
Script for a High School Christmas Movie Project 2005
